We also help out an Old Age Home that is run by Little Sisters of the Poor. The Sisters live on charity and have made it their life`s work to take care of all homeless, old and sick people that come across their doors. They currently take care of around 150 elderly people. These elderly folks have been abandonated by their children, or homeles and sick with no one to take care of them at home. The nuns go from house to house every day looking for help. The Foundation helps out with groceries on a monthly basis. We provide basics like rive, oil, sugar, milk powder, lentils etc. On occacion our volunteers have given the whole community lunsh, sweets etc. During the holidays every year the Foundation gives them warm clothing like sweeters, shawls etc. We also privide adult diapers and medicines on a regular basis.
The Old Age Home was the recipient of the KK Mookerji Award in 2015 which is a cash prize of One Lakh Rupees, which is given every year to the most deserving NGO in Mysore. The Sisters used this cash to purchase much needed beds for the elderly.
Other than groceries, medicines our Volunteers spend some quality time hanging out with the elderly on the weekends. The joy on their faces is worth every minute spent in their company.
Mookerji Foundation: The SPIRIT of Caring
Dec 16th – Distributed Xmas gifts to Kuduremala and Kuvempu school children
Dec 3rd – Distributed lunch & prizes to more than 800 students & parents at cultural event for all specially abled children of all ages.
Sep 30th 2017 – Distributed Water, snacks and buttermilk to police staff on the day of the Dasara procession.

Old Age Home