On Saturday, April 25, 2015 a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, just northwest of the capital of Kathmandu.
It was the worst quake to strike the region in more than 80 years. Nearly 8700 people died during the earthquake and the aftershocks. Many were left homeless and with no food and shelter. There were many children that had become orphans.
The Mookerji Foundation decided that the best way to help would be to sponsor some orphans and see to their well being, housing and education. Many employees of Software Paradigms International came forward and donated generously to help us in this quest.
Various charities were evaluated and Himalayan Children's Charities was selected to partner with. Through this relationship, we have adopted 5 children so far.
Periodically we get updates on these children, their progress in school , their health and their well being which is published on this website. Please come visit this page often to follow the progress of these bright young Nepali children.
The children go to Uttar Gaya Public English Secondary School, a boarding school located in Gerkhu-4, Nuwakot. It is a top-rated school in its district, and is unique from other schools in Nepal in that it is set up as a trust and thus is a not-for-profit educational institution. The school is located close to Rasuwa and the IDP camp where the rest of their surviving family members live in Naubise. As the school was also partially damaged by the earthquakes, they currently house the students in a temporary hostel while they rebuild.
After experiencing some serious health problems this last year, Subash has left Nepal as a labor migrant to work and earn money in a Gulf country. Subash’s sister-in-law earns Rs.300-400 ($3-4 USD) per day from vegetable farming, but his elder sister cannot find work.
Subash says that Mookerji Foundation/HCC’s educational support for the children has made him at ease. It’s important to him that his son (Anish), daughter (Smriti) and niece (Manju) study in the same school so that they can look after one another.
Mookerji Foundation: The SPIRIT of Caring

Sponsored Children In Nepal